
Clubs Clubs for your one-of-a-kind interests. At the end of the school day, many students don’t want to leave because they enjoy being here. During this time, we encourage students to get extra help with homework, take up a new sport, get involved with one of our...

Admission Application En Espanol

Admission Application Admisión para el año escolar 2024-2025 Fecha de admisión anticipada es martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023* * Se aceptarán solicitudes después del 21 de noviembre hasta que se llenen todos los lugares disponibles. Para tener mejor oportunidad de ser...

Garden Party

Thursday, May 2, 2024 6:00-9:00 p.m. Walter Commons at St. Charles Preparatory High School Thank you for joining us for an evening of inspiration and captivation as we celebrated and supported the students of Cristo Rey Columbus! This event directly supported our...

College Counseling + Alumni Support

College Counseling + Alumni Support Check out the new College Counseling + Alumni Support website! Are you a current student looking to navigate the college application process? Or a Cristo Rey Alum curious what resources may be available to you? Look no further than...

Class of 2017

Class of 2017 Congratulations, Class of 2017! June 11, 2017 was a historic day for our Cristo Rey Columbus family! It was a day that saw the fruition of four long years of dedication and heart as we strove to shape the education of students in a way never before...