Virtual Schooling During COVID-19

An Update from our Newly Virtual School Photo credit: Melat, ’20. Dear Friends of Cristo Rey Columbus,I wanted to reach out to you, our Cristo Rey Family, to keep you informed on the status of Cristo Rey Columbus High School students and staff. Our...

Full Speed Ahead

Photo credit: Tsigereda, ’22. The learning continues…for all of us! Dear Cristo Rey Family,The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives in ways that seemed unimaginable a few weeks ago, yet we continue along with courage, ingenuity, and a fair amount of...

Celebrating our Differences

Celebrating Our Differences Along with her camera crew, Valencia Wicker of WBNS-10TV visited us at Cristo Rey earlier this month. She attended one of our American History classes to capture a heart-wrenching commemoration of September 11 and to interview students....

The Students Behind our Milestones

The Students Behind Our Milestones 521. That’s the number of college acceptances that Cristo Rey’s Class of 2019 has earned, so far. 100. That’s the percentage of graduating seniors who have been accepted into at least one four-year college. Three....

Class of 2018

Class of 2018 Updates from the Class of 2018 The start of a new year brings yet another reminder to the senior class about a quickly approaching new stage in our lives: college. The beginning of 2018 has given us a chance to look forward to the end goal in...