Cougar Chronicles: Holiday Edition

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Cristo Rey! We hope the season finds you in good health, good spirit, and good will. The end of the year is a natural time for reflection, and as you take a look at the exciting updates in this edition, we hope you’ll also...


Clubs Clubs for your one-of-a-kind interests. At the end of the school day, many students don’t want to leave because they enjoy being here. During this time, we encourage students to get extra help with homework, take up a new sport, get involved with one of our...

Class of 2020

Class of 2020 Congratulations, Class of 2020!   Updates from the Class of 2020 (Winter 2017)Β  The sophomores stayed busy during the second quarter and it flew by! In October, the class gathered as to pray and reflect on our sophomore retreat. Students spent time...

Our Roots are Strong

“Our roots are strong” A few days ago, Cristo Rey Columbus High School hosted its second graduation ceremony since our inception in 2013. It’s been an honor to watch the Class of 2018 transform into confident and spirited seniors over the past four...