Other Ways to Give

Interested in gifting us stock? Please:

1) Use this info:

DTC Clearing #0015

A/C 362-090108-150

Cristo Rey Columbus High School

2) Alert Emily Eaton, eeaton@crchsworks.org or 614-223-9261 x 039, immeidately so we can be on the lookout for it!

Did you know that many employers match your gift to a nonprofit? More information here.

And, we gratefully accept many other forms of gifts, including:

  • RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) / QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution) Transfer from your IRA
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Retirement Plan Assets
  • Charitable Annuities, Remainder Trusts, and Lead Trusts
  • Real Estate
  • Bequest in Your Will
    • You may use this sample language: “I give to Cristo Rey Columbus High School, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 400 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio 43215, or its successor thereto, ______________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

We request that you notify us of your intent to make any of these types of gifts. And, as always, please consult with your attorney, tax advisor, financial advisor, and/or insurance agent.

Questions? Please contact Carly Miller, Chief Advancement Officer, at 614-223-9261 x011 or cmiller@crchsworks.org